"Come Back to School: Experience a 1900s School Room" - October 11, 2019

On Friday, October 11, the Zeeland Historical Society hosted the monthly School Bell Series at the New Groningen Schoolhouse on Paw Paw Drive in Zeeland. Twenty people enjoyed Robert Boehm's presentation, "Come Back to School: Experience a 1900s School Room."


Robert Boehm also presented a booklet he wrote called, "THE HISTORIC NEW GRONINGEN SCHOOLHOUSE" (subtitled "Bits and Pieces").   


Published in July 2019, the booklet chronicles the history of Old Groningen, Michigan, and the immediate surrounding area. Included are historical facts about "OUD GRONINGEN" schools from 1848-1884. 


Mr. Boehm sold several copies after the presentation and announced that half of the proceeds will be donated to the Zeeland Historical Society.