Online Photos By Keyword!

Have you checked our photo collection online? In August, we introduced our collection by CATEGORY (Homes, Portraits, Transportation, etc.). You have been able to view and download actual scanned images from our extensive photo collection!    


We are now testing a new feature. You can search our entire photo collection by KEYWORD


Please check out this new feature and let us know how it works for you.


  1. Click here to access our photo collection at
  2. "Sign in" with and password, rose1212
  3. Press the magnifying glass at top of page 
  4. Where is says, “Search your photos”, type "vanden bosch" (as an example)
  5. You will see every occurrence of “vanden bosch” in our photo collection, including death records 
  6. You can —>  or  <—  to move through the images

NOTE: You may see duplicate images :: You may see unrelated images